Scientists have discovered seasonality in spread of Covid-19

Scientists from the Barcelona Global Health Institute (Isglobal), Spain found the signs of seasonality from Coronavirus. This is reported by the Nature Computational Science magazine.

With digital modeling, scientists have studied the connection between the climate and the incidence of COVID-19 at different points of the planet. They analyzed the proliferation rate of coronavirus in 162 countries at the early stage of the pandemic and found that higher rates of transmission of the virus are associated with lower temperatures and humidity. As they increase the wave of a pandemic weakened.

However, this pattern is typical for the first and third waves, and during the second one, which fell on the summer, it was broken. The authors of the study are associated with the influence of other factors, such as tourism. At the same time, they are confident that COVID-19 has the characteristic properties of seasonal infections, such as influenza.

In addition, the study confirmed that the coronavirus is mainly transmitted by air, and this also plays the role of seasonality – with low humidity, the size of the particles of aerosols decreases and the virus applies faster.

Earlier, the infectious behavior of Yevgeny Timakov preinted that the population after a half or two years can lose susceptibility to COVID-19. In his opinion, in children who are infected with coronavirus now, immunity is formed. The specialist stressed that the generation, which in the future will grow with COVID-19, will perceive it as an ordinary seasonal coronavirus.

/Media reports.