French Association of Feminists called “Share on feminism!” A lawsuit in the court of Paris on the organizers of Miss France. About it reports The Telegraph.
According to media information, the founder of the beauty contest “ENDEMOL PRODUCTION” is accused of violating labor legislation. Thus, feminists believe that the participation in beauty contests “can be considered as a work activity”, since girls should spend their time for preparing, rehearsal, makeup to be able to take part in the competition.
In addition, feminists complain about discriminatory requirements for participants – have a beautiful appearance, not to have children and husband and have a rise above 165 centimeters. However, in addition, there are many other restrictions that come into force after the start of their participation in the competition, because of which they can put a rather big penalty or disqualified. Such violations include, for example, extensive hair, piercing or tattoos, as well as “public” smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, not to mention the weight set.