Girl began to shoot in a bikini after criticizing men addressed to her fullness

A resident of Bristol, England, began to act in bikini after criticizing men addressed to its abnormal completeness. The corresponding story publishes Daily Star.

22-year-old Aquestrian Savanna Sullivan (Savannah Sullivan) said that her body began to change rapidly from 12 years old: the girls and legs of the girl increased in the amount, because of which she first encountered injuries from peers.

In March 2021, the heroine of the material was diagnosed with the Lipiendee – chronic, usually a genetically inherited disease, which is accompanied by an abnormal growth, the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the limbs, as well as painful sensations.

According to the girl, in adolescence, she began to shy to wear skirts and sportswear during training. “I have always adhered to a healthy diet, but the children are still: they are coarse and begin to mock those who have extra weight,” Sullivan admitted. “In high school I was called fat, and it was terrible. Guys said that I had huge Feet. One said that he would never have been able to meet a girl who twice the greater. “

British noted that he experienced a permanent pain in the knees. In addition, Sullivan has to do lymphatic massages and wear compression clothes to get rid of edema of various parts of the body.

The makeazea stated that it began to publish her photos and videos in candid outfits in social networks to gain self-confidence and help other women with the same ailment. At the moment, 3,500 people are signed on its page in Tiktok, and its video summarizes more than 70 thousand likes.

“The body demonstration has become something liberating for me. We are all different. Sometimes I look into the mirror and realize that I love myself and my body, and on other days I want to deploy a mirror and never see my reflection again.” – she shared.

According to the publication, in 2022, Sullivan planned to make a number of oil removal operations. As a result of the transferred procedures, it will lose more than 40 pounds (about 18 kilograms) of excess weight.

Earlier in October, a woman with a skin disease told about the injury because of the “disgusting” appearance. According to 29-year-old Kirsi Jennings (Kirsty Jennings), which suffers from psoriasis, strangers often criticized her appearance due to the affected skin around the body and face. The heroine of the material for the first time discovered the problem at 17 years in the elbow zone.

/Media reports.