The former president and head of the opposition began his third week of hunger strike, a critical threshold, on the background of political crisis on the eve of elections.
The three yellow, pink and red poufs enthroned in front of the entrance to the prison. Given the time that Badri Nemsadzé passes here, he needs a little comfort. Since he learned that former Georgian President and Opposition Leader Mikheil Saakashvili had been incarcerated when he returned to the country after eight years of exile, the October 1, this man 54 years remains day and night in front of the grids as a sign of support. His hero is nearby, in one of the buildings behind barbed wire. “It’s a historic moment for Georgia, he assures. Micha (the Sakakachvili nickname) represents Western values, democracy and freedom of expression. If it is not released, this country n No future. “
Protesters meet here every night to claim the release of the former leader, condemned by abusing six years in prison in 2018 for “abuse of power”. The person concerned, who considers himself as a “political prisoner”, went on hunger on his arrest. Since then, Georgia lives in the rhythm of information on its state of health and polemics on what it would have ourselves. He put honey in his tea? The Government immediately declares that he ate “half kilo of honey”, encouraging the prisoner, who denies, to still cure his hunger strike.
The opponent, 53 years old, has already lost 15 kg to 17 kg in twenty-one day, according to his statements in the world. Impossible, however, exactly, provides his personal doctor, Nikoloz Kipchidze, US revenue to follow up. “The scale gives a very different weight from one day to another,” he explains. This quirk questions, just like both tests for diabetes to which his patient has been subjected. “It’s very strange: why two tests? And why without having been informed?” Belarious, he dreads that we try to discredit the opponent. Suspicion to the psychiatrist who follows him: “I grew up in the USSR, I know how the psychiatrists treated the dissidents. I’m afraid they do the same”, he says, feeling being “the only one to try to Be objective “in this country where” everything is politicized “.
Extreme polarization of the company
MikHeil Saakashvili, at the head of the main opposition party, the united national movement, began its third week of hunger. A critical threshold. “His condition can be degraded brutally every second, worries the doctor. It is very pale and makes a lot of effort to be strong. But in the evening, it’s something else.” The former leader of the ” revolution of roses “(2003) could be hospitalized from one day to the next.
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