Two days in the life of lovers. The first because it all plays, the second because everything gets lost. This week, Louis, 37, evokes a love of fleeting but intense holiday with a male couple.
There is no picture on his Grindr profile. This application thought for gay dating propose a mosaic of people based on my geo. It really is “fuck your neighbor” to satisfy a pressing need in the place where you are.
When I open Grindr on the Southwest beach when I’m on vacation, I’m not necessarily in the emergency report. The day before, I escorted my guy at the station. It was early, he did not want me to wait on the train with him. Already I had had many insist it gives me a little weekend during the holidays, I do not feel too much indebted to him. I’m disappointed. As we estimated, we made efforts toward one another, but it does not stick us, especially sexually.
This is not so long that I see men, but it is certain that this side there, it is easier to have sex for sex. That day, I do not hunt, but its profile draws my attention. We quickly discussed and well, we will send pictures, he’s cute. The dredger is nice and easy. He does not know the area I’m from. Through the app interface, I improvise my guide his vacation, I recommend him nice places. We know neither the one nor the other if we will meet.
Two days after I finished my surfing session. I shower at the beach, rinse my embedded combination of salt. I have the white face of sunscreen, wet hair. It offers me to go into the apartment he rented for the holidays with a friend, who is not there. It is available now. Among gay men, we do not take glass before it is much more direct. Without bad sociology, I feel we are conditioned to satisfy our desires more quickly, while in straight relationships before sex, there are cafes and restaurants, while making the report socially acceptable. Gays do not bother about it, they will rather have dinner afterwards, when they want to meet again.
I opened the door towel, he comes out of the shower. His apartment has views of the beach, full of bazaar of two buddies on vacation who do not stay long, and there are only sleeping. We talk about our age, in which we both lied in the application. It took 35 years, I’m 37, I can not lower the more with my beard and white hair apparaissants. He also has 37 years, but he said he was 33, he can afford it, it is fair to smooth skin.
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