On Baikonur cosmodrome discussed questions on creation of KRK “Baiterek”

Objects of the Baiterek Space Rocket Complex on the Baikonur cosmodrome, President Alexander Belovich was visited on the Baasis Group of Companies. During the trip, together with the specialists of the Center for the Objects of the Ground Space Infrastructure (Roskosmos State Corporation), representatives of both companies discussed the issues of deploying design and construction work on the creation of land-based space infrastructure to prepare the “Soyuz-5” rocket.

Development of design and estimate documentation by specialists of Bazis Engeneering LLP (Design Institute of the Basis Group of Companies, the Contractor for the Project from the Kazakhstan side) is already being conducted. In the near future, a group of specialists will arrive on the cosmodrome for conducting survey and measurement work.

The “Baiterek” project involves deep modernization of the objects of the ground space infrastructure of the Zenit-M Rocket and Space complex available on the Baikonur cosmodrome to prepare and start the Newest Domestic Rocket “Soyuz-5”. Distinctive features of the new complex are its environmental friendliness, increased load capacity and market appeal.

/Media reports.