The man who made an attack on the train of the Japanese capital Tokyo, said that he made up a villain and antagonist to Joker. In this, he confessed to the police grabbed him, the Kyodo Agency reports.
A 24-year-old man named Ketta Hattori was in the costume of a villain from comic about Batman, when he made a stabbing in the train car. He declared law enforcement officers that he wanted to be sentenced to death and that he loves his fictional idol.
The attack happened on October 31. In the hour, the peak Hattor snatched the knife and wounded more than a dozen passengers. Currently, it is known that 17 people suffered.
After that, he spilled liquid for lighters and settled it. When the frightened trogots completely left several adjacent cars, Hattori sat on one of the vacancies and lit, waiting for policemen.