Scientific development of IC on cultivation of crystals is already in orbit

The unique experiment “Vampire” for the cultivation of crystals in space was prepared by specialists of the research institute of start-up complexes named after V.P. Barmina (branch of the operating center of the objects of ground-based space infrastructure, is part of the state corporation “Roscosmos”).

SK specialists developed the installation of the EMP-01, which is currently in the multi-purpose laboratory module “Science” of the Russian segment of the International Space Station. Installation will grow crystals from special alloys. Samples obtained in space are planned to be used in microelectronics and medical equipment, computer tomographs.

The results of the experiments performed according to the programs “Photon” and “Photon-M”, as well as on board long-term orbital stations, during which single crystals from melts were grown using rotating magnetic fields, confirmed the possibility of obtaining in conditions Microgravations of crystals comparable to those obtained on earthly conditions.

High-quality single crystals obtained on board the spacecraft can already be used in various devices and devices. Now the task is to use the unique conditions of weightlessness to obtain practical results in improving the quality of the material obtained.

Expected results: Studies of crystals grown in space on a “photon spacecraft” by the method of moving heater in a rotating magnetic field, showed that there are prerequisites to obtain under microgravity material with homogeneous electrophysical properties. The rotating magnetic field improves the radial and axial uniformity of the properties of crystals. Therefore, it is expected that the properties of crystals grown in space will have a good axial symmetry, despite the impact of residual accelerations and vibrations.

The calculations have shown that there is an optimal value of the induction of the magnetic field at which the best transverse uniformity of the crystal composition is achieved. . With an increase in magnetic induction above the optimal value, the homogeneity of the composition should deteriorate. The results of the planned experiments will refine the value of the optimal magnitude of magnetic induction for this process. This would further put experiments to obtain high-quality homogeneous CDZNTE crystal in microgravity crystal, which could be a standard for ground-based production.

/Media reports.