Ten UN peacekeepers from Egypt suffered as a result of a shootout with the president’s guard in the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR) of Bangui. This reports tv5monde.
Presidential security opened a squall fire without warning. Egyptian police officers were injured when they were without weapons on the bus. Two of them got serious injuries. As soon as the bus left the area where the shootout occurred, about 120 meters from the residence of the President, peacekeepers shot down to death a woman.
The CAR is classified as the second least developed country in the world. After the public coup in 2013, civil war began in the republic. The conflict continues to this day, but its intensity decreased significantly in three years.
In October in the Tsar, three dozen people became victims of an armed attack of militants near the city of Bambari in Waka Prefecture. The rebel movement in the CAR has intensified before the presidential and parliamentary elections, held on December 27, 2020.