The 58-year-old Contractor has failed to bring together the 250 sponsorships necessary to validate his participation in the Congress which will designate the party candidate in the presidential election on December 4th.
Le Monde with AFP
He will not finally start in the race. Denis Payre, a 58-year-old and the Republican Investiture Candidate (LR) for the presidential election, failed to bring together the 250 elected sponsorships required to participate in the Party Congress on December 4th. He announced on South Radio, Tuesday, November 2, deadline for the deposit of signatures, form an appeal with the party leadership that had, in his view, a “totally undemocratic behavior”.
“I will testify today [Tuesday] a recourse to the Republicans Directorate because the democratic principles, Article 4 of the Party’s statutes, have not been respected,” has He says.
The contractor claimed to have only gathered “about thirty sponsorships”, including that of Philippe Juvin, another candidate for Inauguration LR. Insufficient, therefore, to see his application validated by the control body responsible for the validation of candidates for the Congress and who will announce his results on Thursday.
He denounces a “undemocratic behavior”
In Mr. Payre, the Republican Directorate would have had “undemocratic behavior” and fueled a “denigration” campaign against it. “My team and I have been faced with a fire shot of the Republicans direction that called the press saying,” He has no chance of having his sponsorships, “he insisted.
The Founder of the Liberal Political Party We citizens showed the formalization of his candidacy in mid-October by the party control instance, after “seven weeks of blockage”, leaving him “only two weeks “to bring together the 250 sponsorship required. Christian Jacob, president of the party, interviewed on BFM-TV at the same time, Tuesday morning, defended: “The rules are the same for everyone.”
Support to Valérie Pécresse in case failure of his appeal
If his appeal does not know any favorable suites, Mr. Payre, who will then become “totally free” to decide who supporting the Congress, will support the President of the Ile-de-France region. “The one that goes the most in my direction, it stays Valérie Pécresse,” he said.
Other nomination candidates LR have up to 18 hours, Tuesday, to file their sponsorships at the party headquarters. It was already done for M me pecresse, who filed more than 250 signatures as early as mid-October. For its part, Xavier Bertrand collected 427 signatures, when Philippe Juvin brought his 270 sponsorships on October 29th. It remains for a few hours to Eric Ciotti and Michel Barnier to deposit theirs.