An effective way to cure lung inflammation is found

Russian scientists of the Ural Federal University (URF), together with foreign colleagues, found a method for the effective treatment of acute lung damage (nozzles) with natural biologically active substances that are stronger than synthetic analogs. Briefly on the study published in the International Immunopharmacology magazine, a press release of Urals.

Researchers found out that isoflavonoids, including biohanin A, Diydsein, Genisterein and Fortonents, constrain the development of the inflammatory process, which affects the pulmonary fabric. At nozzles, the swelling of the lungs occurs, which is why the level of blood saturation is reduced by oxygen. This disease may occur as a complication against operations on the cardiovascular system or with severe infection, including Coronavirus SARS-COV-2.

Isoflavanoids belong to phenolic compounds. It has been established that they not only stop inflammation, but also have an antidiabetic, immunostimulating, anti-aging and proportionic effect. Synthetic isoflavonoids have less biological activity compared to natural, so these substances are often extracted from plants, including clover, Kudza and soy melassa. In the study, these substances were tested on tissues and cells of laboratory animals.

/Media reports.