Johnson compared world leaders with James Bond and warned about apocalypse

Prime Minister British Boris Johnson during the climatic summit in Glasgow compared the world leaders with James Bond and said that the “Machine of the Day of the Day Real”. About it reports The National.

Politician opened the summit within the framework of the 26 Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), which takes part about 200 countries, a prevention of apocalypse. He conducted an analogy between the neutralization of a slow-acting bomb and the climatic crisis, with which the world faced.

“James Bond often in his films turns out to be tied to the car of the vessel’s day, desperately trying to understand what color the wire pull out to turn it off, while the electronic clock ruthlessly count the time before the explosion, which will put an end to humanity. We, expensive World leaders, today are almost in the same position as James Bond, “explained Johnson.

The British Prime Minister urged those present “to neutralize a bomb”. “We have technologies, we can collect funds, and the question for all of us today is whether we have the will,” he concluded.

Previously, Johnson predicted the world failure in combating climatic problems. In his opinion, it will happen if the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) will fail. “Obviously, if the Glasgow fails, the whole design will fall apart,” he noted.

/Media reports.