The objective shown by the founder of the technology giant is to highlight the methavers, his project of the Internet of the future. The names of the different social networks will however remain unchanged.
Le Monde with Reuters
The parent company of the Social Facebook network will change its name to call META, announced, Thursday, October 28, the founder of the Technology Giant, Mark Zuckerberg, at an event titled Facebook Connect. The goal is to highlight the metapes (contraction of “meta” and “universe”, metaversus in English), its internet project of the future, supposed to reach one billion people and create “millions” jobs at course of the next decade, always according to Mr. Zuckerberg.
In addition to the Facebook social network, the Meta Group includes Instagram, Messenger, Oculus and Portal.
m. Zuckerberg also unveiled the group’s logo: an icon reminiscent of an infinite symbol.
An ad that occurs in the process of “Facebook Files”, revelations of massive documents on how Facebook ignored internal reports and warnings on the damage created by the social network around the world.