Static Web Server 2.1.0 Release, HTTP Servers for Static Files

released new version of the compact and high-speed web server Static Web Server 2.1.0 , designed to recover files and static web resources. The project code is written in the language of RUST and spreads under MIT and Apache licenses. Ready builds Prepared for Linux, Windows, MacOS and FreeBSD. There is an assembly in the form of a ready-to-use docker container with more than 90 thousand downloads. Also prepared for a detailed Guide with a description of the Static Web Server configuration process in different environments.

Developers say the following differences of your product from already existing analogues:

  • cross-platform. Builds are ready for Linux, MacOS, Windows and FreeBSD for architectures x86, x86_64, arm32 and arm64.
  • Small size is fully ready-to-work executable file – 4 MB in unpacked form (static assembly with MUSL) and 2.28 MB in the form of a Docker container.
  • Transparent and flexible configurable logging mechanisms and tracing.
  • Customizable multithreading.
  • Low memory consumption and CPU resources.
  • Optional text resource compression using GZIP, Deflate and Brotli methods. The Accept-Encoding header is supported.
  • Ability Processing Listening socket instead of a file descriptor for use In Sandbox-environments and on-Demand applications (for example, for integration with SystemD).
  • Using the language Rust for Speed ​​, safety and multithreading;
  • Support HTTP / 2, TLS, Basic HTTP Authentication, Range queries, Cache-Control, Cors and other typical features of the classic HTTP server.
  • Implementing HTTP / 1 and HTTP / 2 is based on the HTTP library Hyper , and the Tokio .
/Media reports.