The international group of astronomers discovered an ancient space structure, which is believed to be a protagist of galaxies on the way to transform into a giant galactic accumulation. The “germ” of super-consumption is at a distance of 11 billion light years from the ground, that is, scientists see him as it was when the age of the universe was three billion years. This is reported in an article published in MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY: Letters.
Researchers analyzed data on two thousand candidate objects and discovered the PHZ G237.01 + 42.50 and G237 protago. To confirm the opening of an astronomer, we used the combined forces of a large binocular telescope in Arizona and the Subaru telescope in Japan. As a result, it was possible to detect 63 galaxies belonging to the G237 protocer.
The authors note that the G237 protocer seems to form the stars of ten thousand times faster than the Milky Way. At such a speed, it is expected that the protoclatter is rapidly spending stellar fuel and will later turn into a complex galactic system, similar to the super-consideration of the Virgin. For feeding star-forming regions, a constant flow of hydrogen is necessary, but the scientist is not yet known source.
All galaxies in the Universe are part of a giant structure resembling a three-dimensional web, called the cosmic web, in the nodes of which are galactic ultrasound. Astronomers believe that the fibers are mediated by the transfer of gaseous hydrogen from the diffuse medium of intergalactic space to protocol.