The President of the Republic announced on October 26 wanted to work for the signing of a new Europe-Africa Treaty on Immigration, as soon as the Presidency of the European Union (EU), next January.
Le Monde with AFP
less than three months from the beginning of the French Presidency of the European Union (EU), Emmanuel Macron multiplies the statements of orientation and intent. The French President reaffirmed Tuesday, October 26 he wanted to manage the migration problem at European level; He expressed the wish that a new Europe-Africa treaty is signed in the coming months.
It was during a charitable dinner organized in Paris by a network of Protestant entrepreneurs that the President of the Republic spoke on this subject. “One of my objectives under French Presidency (of the EU) is to try to rebuild a treaty of peace and friendship with Africa, where one of the data will be: how Europeans give youth capacity African to have opportunities in its continent, “he arraid.
“We must think with the original states a much better organized migration policy, particularly with Africa,” Emmanuel Macron, while calling for better protection against illegal migrants, their systematic renewal in their country. of origin and a reform of the Schengen area.
“Thinking a migratory policy much better organized with Africa”
In addition to this reform of the European free circulation space, the French President wants, as soon as he took the head of the EU’s turnting presidency, the 1 January 2022, to be the engine of a European compromise on immigration. In particular, it has been accelerating the review and adoption of the “Global Pact for Migration”, which has been dragging since its presentation a year ago by the European Commission, on the merits of divisions between Member States. At the beginning of October, during a debate held at the National Assembly on the vision of France for its presidency of the EU, the Government recalled that it wished to find a consensus around this European pact, by supporting in particular “filtering” at the external borders and a “rigorous control” as “condition of solidarity”.
Responding to the President of the Protestant Federation, François Clavairoly, who reminded him “the requirement of the right of asylum” and regretted that “the reception be denied, by hate speeches,” the president of the Republic insisted on Tuesday during the dinner:
“We must improve the integration, including for those who have been there for a long time, but try at the same time to prevent new arrivals, because they are unsustainable for our societies, for the European continent, because a large majority of those who arrive by asking for asylum are not eligible for asylum. “
An immigration challenge that he must face, according to him, at European level, in the face of “a much stronger migratory pressure than in recent years, in societies in integration crisis, with also people who who come from more difficult countries to integrate “. “Every individual case, you will be able to convince me as a man that it takes [the] keep, but as president I can not tell you that this situation is viable, because it empties with its meaning what Is the asylum, “he said, claiming a clear distinction between asylum and all other migration. For a month, France has declined in the tone vis-à-vis Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, by deciding to reduce the granting of visas granted to Algerian and Moroccan nationals by 50% and 30% that concerns Tunisians, facing the refusal of these countries to repatriate their nationals in an irregular situation. This decision provoked a diplomatic crisis between Paris and Algiers.
During his speech on Tuesday night, Emmanuel Macron also wanted to remind that “most of those who come to ask asylum come from countries with which we have perfect diplomatic relations, to which we give dozens or even hundreds, thousands of visas “.