The text accuses the Brazilian president of “crime against humanity” in his management of the pandemic. Despite its adoption, it is unlikely to cause a dismissal.
Le Monde with AFP
The Parliamentary Inquiry (ICC) on the pandemic in Brazil approved late Tuesday, October 27, the overwhelming report of its six months of investigation, which recommends the lifting of President Jair Bolsonaro for nine crimes, of which “Crime against humanity”.
Seven of the 11 senators who conducted the work of the ICC approved the text that also requests the charge of 77 other persons, including several ministers, former ministers, companies, and the three seniors’ sons of Mr. Bolsonaro, All elected officials.
For the Commission, the crimes mentioned in the report are “intentional”, the Government of Bolsonaro having deliberately decided not to take the necessary measures to contain the CVIV-19 epidemic which has made more than 600 000 deaths in its country.
Serious charges, which should, however, have a mostly symbolic scope, the extreme right president benefiting from the Parliament able to avoid the opening of a dismissal procedure. Similarly, the Attorney General, Augusto Aras, an ally of Mr. Bolsonaro, can burn at any indictment.