In Russia, they decided puddle of appearance of primary black holes

Scientists of the National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI” proposed a decision of the riddles of the origin of primary black holes, which should not be formed during collapse of massive stars, and from super-state matter at an early stage of the existence of the Universe. An article with the results of the study was published in the magazine Physical Review D. Briefly about scientific work Tell a press release on the SDUNUKI website.rf.

Russian researchers considered one of the models according to which massive primary black holes arise as a result of a collapse of closed domain walls – hypothetical boundaries between the domains appearing in the evolution of the field associated with an axion-like particle (ALP). Axion-like particles are a family of axes with widely varying properties and are designed to explain the strong problem of CP-violations in the physics of fundamental particles.

Domains associated with the Alp field existed during the period of very rapid expansion (inflation) of the Universe. It turned out that the collapse model of such domains does not contradict the data obtained by the Consortium of Nanograv astronomers in observations of gravitational waves. As the authors of the work write, the evolution of sufficiently large closed domain walls may end with the formation of wormworch, leaving for the subsidiaries of the universes. Such a wormwort, in turn, can act as a massive primary black hole, which appeared when there were no stars.

The strong problem of Cp-violations is called the phenomenon, which consists in the absence of a violation of CP symmetry in quantum chromodynamics (CHD), which describes strong interactions between elementary particles. CP symmetry, also called combined parity, postulates the safety (invariance) of physical laws when replacing the particle to the corresponding antiparticle and simultaneously replacing the system under consideration to its mirror image. At the same time, it is known that CP symmetry is broken at electrical interactions. In CHD, the absence of a violation, according to the theory of Pecsi-Queen, is ensured by a dynamic field, which corresponds to a particle Axion.

/Media reports.