In a hurry to take a step forward before the COP26 on the climate, the country does not revive its commitments for 2030 and to invest in the “clean” hydrogen.
This is a small step forward, very insufficient with regard to the necessary measures to keep a chance to limit warming to 1.5 ° C. But for Australia, it represents a significant progress. A few days before the opening of the 26th World Climate Conference (COP26) on October 31st in Glasgow, the Government led by Scott Morrison committed, Tuesday, October 26, to Aim the object of “zero net” greenhouse gas for 2050.
On the other hand, it has not enhanced its target of reducing emissions by 2030, currently set between 26 and 28% (compared to the 2005 level), just announced that the country would exceed to reach from 30% to 35%. It is not “a revolution but a cautious evolution,” said Conservative Prime Minister Tuesday, brandishing a small blue booklet, containing the plan he intends to present when traveling in Scotland.
“The executive always defends fossil energies. He still wants to open new mines. But science is very clear. To respect the Paris agreement, the emissions of about 50% should be reduced by 2030, Reaching carbon neutrality before 2050 and cease any investment in coal, gas such as oil, “criticized, shortly before the announcement, Will Steffen, Climate Council Advisor, an authoritative organization on climate change issues In Australia.
“New technologies” and “clean hydrogen”
The world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas, the country does not intend to turn back on natural resources that ensure its prosperity or establish carbon tax, or even impose binding measures. To succeed in its energy transition, it favors another method: investment heavily in “new technologies” and especially in the hydrogen “clean”.
This adjective are hiding two types of hydrogens: the “green”, produced from renewable energies, and the “blue”, produced from fossil energies backed by a carbon storage system. The latter, who retains gas or coal in the energy mix and relies on still stammer technologies, is rejected by environmental organizations. But for Australia, which aims to become an exporting power of products such as hydrogen, ammonia, steel or aluminum, the priority is to find the right balance in order to preserve jobs in the regions , while starting the country’s conversion into renewables.
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