Former head of DGSE returns to his remarks about a “taupe” of Russians in cabinet of a Minister of

Bernard Bajolet was interviewed by Journalist Caroline Roux, in a documentary devoted to Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and broadcast Sunday night on France 5.


Former Director of the External Intelligence Service (DGSE) Bernard Bajolet returned, Monday, October 18, on his remarks on Sunday night in a documentary, where he seemed to confirm the existence of a “taupe” at the service of Russians in the firm of the Minister of French Defense in 2017.

Interviewed for the French chain by the Journalist Caroline Roux on the case of “a mole who had integrated the firm even from the minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian”, today Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Bajolet responds In the Documentary Putin, the master of the game, directed by Marie Lorand: “Indeed, when I was general manager of external security, I had traced …” L Former director of the DGSE continues:

“Because in the previous years, we said,” All that is over. “After the cold war, we no longer lose time against spies that no longer exist (…). Priority is the fight against terrorism, but so we can see that espionage activities had not stopped at all. “

In our documentary, the former director of DGSE Bernard Bajolet confirms that a “taupe” officiated in 2017 at the … “/p>- cdanslair (@c in the Air)

In a “focus” sent to the France-Press agency (AFP) Monday, Mr. Bajolet assures that he has never wanted to react to an individual case or mention a particular office, but [ that it has] wanted to emphasize the intensity of spying activities carried out against [France] by foreign powers, including Russia, and the importance of the counter-espionage function entrusted to intelligence services , what [‘he has] upwards “when he was at the head of the DGSE.

” This business typology is classified “

“In no case my answer can be considered as confirmation of the reality of the allegations mentioned by M me red on the presence of a foreign agent in the firm of a minister of the time, “he says in his press release.

Part of his response was cut off the editing of the documentary, he says the world. “Probably I was cloudy, but my idea was not to answer on this individual case and I never got back on that.” Contacted by Le Monde, the show did not have still answered, Monday night, about any cuts.

“At no time the cabinet of the Drian has been struggling”, on his side react, Monday morning, the cabinet of the minister, where one says “very surprised by the statements of an old of the DGSE that knows that this business typology is classified “. The cabinet of Mr. Le Drian comments again:

“On the merits, the French counter-espionage [a skill that does not have the DGSE, it falls under the General Directorate of Internal Security, DGSI] works remarkably and knows how to thwart the attempts of the foreign powers who would like to approach places of power. “

This case was mentioned at the time by the press and had not been confirmed by the DGSE, according to the practice of the service. According to the French media online Mediapart , a spy of the GRU, the Russian military intelligence service, had recruited a” taupe ” Within the firm of Mr. Le Drian when he was the Minister of Defense under the chairmanship of François Hollande.

According to Mediapart, “DGSE notes relate in particular appointments between the French senior officer and his tracting Russian officer. Accounts of ministerial meetings would have been transmitted”. “A priori, it was for the gradet to explain the new policy of France vis-à-vis Eastern Europe” to “an interlocutor who had introduced himself to him as a diplomat”, emphasized the online media.

/Media reports.