Brain has discovered a unique sign

Researchers from Switzerland have shown that such a fingerprint is a characteristic unique sign of each person’s brain – functional connector – is formed in 100 seconds. The article of scientists is published in the journal Science Advances.

In 2015, researchers from the University of Yale, comparing the functional connotoms of the brain – “Maps” links between the neurons of the human brain – obtained by the help of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, found that it can correctly highlight the shots of the brain of the same person made with Difference in a few days, with an accuracy of 95 percent. Researchers from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne decided to find out for what time these “fingerprints” of the human brain appear, and for what time they exist.

Scientists found out that 100 seconds are required to form a characteristic connector. It also found that the fastest connectors are formed in the sensory zone of the cerebral cortex, especially in areas responsible for movement of the eyes, visual perception and attention. Following the regions of the frontal share, whose activity is associated with more complex cognitive functions. According to the researchers, their find can be used for early diagnosis of neurological diseases – so, these studies indicate that characteristic connectors disappear in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

/Media reports.