For the candidate for the investiture of Republicans for the presidential election, the State must refocus on its three priority missions – protect, educate, treat – and expenses must fall.
Le Monde with AFP
The primary right is accelerating. In an interview published on the site of opinion , Monday, October 18, Valérie Pécresse, candidate for the investiture of Republicans (LR) in the presidential election, proposes important deletions posts in the public service during the next five-year.
“My goal is to delete 150,000 positions in the administrative administration. The state must refocus on its three priority missions: to protect, educate, treat, with where additional positions need for the Justice, Education and Care. It is not a question of degrading the public service or breaking the recovery. But the expenses must fall “, insists the President of the Ile-de-France region.
“To stop the explosion of the debt and bring it back to 2027 at the current level, we must reach 45 billion euros of savings, to which I add 15 billion of privatization revenue. The state has No vocation to remain a minority shareholder of competitive enterprises “, continues the candidate, who brignes the votes of the members LR at the congress of December 4 against his two main rivals that are Michel Barnier and Xavier Bertrand.
“If I am elected President of the Republic, therefore, my first decision will be to hire four major structure reforms to lower expenses and reduce tax pressure,” she adds, listing “retirement at age 65 , the degressiveness of the unemployment benefits, the “deburutization” of the country and a decentralization with a release of the state to delete the duplicates “.
In September, M me had already mentioned the “in five years of 10% of the administering administration, that is to say, officials who manage standards and procedures “.
A caressed goal and abandoned by Emmanuel Macron
Amélie de Montchalin , Minister of the Transformation and public function reacted on Twitter. “The” Administration “” only exists in the interviews of Valérie Pécresse. This very blurred expression reflects the lack of vision of the state on the right. It is the return of the RGPP method: the dark cuts without efficiency, “she said, in an allusion to the” general revision of public policies “during the five-year fifth of Nicolas Sarkozy, from 2007 to 2012 . In 2017, François Fillon, candidate defeated the right to the presidential election, had defended the elimination of 500,000 public agent positions in five years.
Emmanuel Macron had promised the removal of 120,000 positions, 70,000 among the local authorities and 50,000 in the state public service, an abandoned objective as early as July 2019. The budget for 2022 confirms stability. staff of the state public service during the entire five-year.
In the maintenance granted to opinion, M me also proposes “a help to the investment of proximity”, in order to “rebalance the territories. In the municipalities less than 20,000 inhabitants, individuals may invest in action or lend to their local five-year businesses with a 50% tax credit for a maximum investment of 20,000 euros, “she suggests.