Researchers from India described the previously unknown edible view of Allium Negianum, growing in the valley on the border of the country with Nepal. The article of scientists has been published in the magazine PHYTOKEYS.
Specialists from the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources opened a plant in the valley of the threads in the north-east of the Indian state of Uttarakhand. It grows at a height of three to 4.8 thousand meters on open meadows, sandy soils, along rivers and mountain streams. Researchers note that morphologically a new look closest to the Luka Przhevalsky, which is known in honor of the Russian traveler, also growing in Himalayas.
At the same time, local residents have long been cultivated by a previously unknown science view. According to them, which grows onions in the valley – one of the best in the local market. Allium Negianum is still known in West Himalayas. Researchers fear that the flow of people who will strive to try it may pose a threat to wild populations.
Rose Allium contains about 1.1 thousand species of plants, among which are common cultures like the green onions, as well as garlic.