Wolfgang Fellner, director of the Österreich group, was forced to defend themselves in his own columns of the charges of “influence trafficking” and “corruption” on him.
“The director can exclude 100% that there has been manipulated surveys or indulgent media coverage in exchange for advertisements. [In this case], we are victims and not criminals.” Wednesday, October 13, It is with this small insert entitled “Explanations” that Wolfgang Fellner, director of the Austrian press group Österreich, has been defended in his own columns, infamous accusations of “trading of influence” and “corruption” who plane On him, his brother Helmuth and all their media as part of the “advertisement case” that cost, Saturday, October 9, his position at Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.
This box has been published just below the item of the daily Österreich and its for free OE24 relating the arrest, the day before, the director of the Institute of Survey Research Affairs at the heart of the scandal. Neither the article nor the box did not specify the reader that this institute has been in fact for years the partner of the two publications, and that his director is precisely suspected of having provided them with the taxpayer-funded polls, in part “rigged” To promote the leader of the Conservative Party ÖVP. All this in exchange for an advertising campaign of the Ministry of Finance, evaluated by the anti-corruption floor at least 1.3 million euros …
If the case has brutally cut the career of Sebastian Kurz, forced to resign Saturday, October 9 to 35, she also shakes as ever the group of “Brothers Fellner” by updating the contested methods of these two sexagenarians, Papivores of the tabloid press.
known for creating, from the end of the 1960s, a school diary then became the biggest draw of the country’s youth press – it was resold at the golden price in the late 1980s -, The two brothers then founded News, a sort of Austrian match, another successful edition, then launched the Österreich group in 2006, including the Amiral Ship, Österreich, is freely inspired by the US popular daily USA Today , and intended to tackle the Empire of the Krone Zeitung, the most powerful European tabloids with a penetration rate of nearly 25% of the readers of this country of 8.8 million inhabitants.
Capture of public money
With their recording titles, their short items and their great photos, as well as their ambiguous relations with the political power, the two titles of the “boulevard press” – as they say in German – share the same readers and Delivered to a ruthless media and judicial war. The two newspapers are also a family affair … Facing the couple Dichand, owner of Krone, Wolfgang Fellner, 67, is associated with his brother Cadet Helmut, on the more opaque role of “responsible for commercial affairs”, and his son Nikki , editor-in-chief.
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