The European Union (EU) turns into an association of equal and free powers to a centralized organization that dominates the participating countries. This was told about the Prime Minister of Poland Mateeush Movies in a letter to EU states published on the Polish government website.
According to the head of Polish Cabinet, the EU authorities began to make decisions that go beyond their competence. In an example, he led to an attempted financial pressure from the European Commission to solve the Polish authorities. Prime Minister Poland noted, the EU turns into an institute that begins to prevail over the national laws of the participating countries.
“Without any legal basis, there is an attempt to make Member States to do what they are told by the EU institutions, regardless of whether they have a legitimate basis for such orders,” said Mureketsky. At the same time, he assured the allies of Poland that Warsaw remains committed to the European Union and is not going to get out of the association.
In conclusion, Morrazhetsky stated that the EU gradually becomes an anti-democratic intexituity, which makes decisions in the separation of the will of the participating countries. According to the Polish prime minister, the power of the Union is enclosed in the possibilities and freedom of the participating countries. However, if you deprive the state of this freedom, then the whole of the EU as a whole and each of its participant will decrease in separately.
On October 8, the Constitutional Court of Poland acknowledged that the Polish Constitution has a primacy over the EU laws. On September 7, the EC demanded imposs of sanctions against Poland due to judicial reform.