Cosmonaut Andrei Borisenko in a conversation with the TV channel “360” described the feeling of the showroom after returning to Earth from the International Space Station. He noted that the director Klim Shipenko and Actress Yulia Peresilde will have rehabilitation and told how it will happen.
The pilot said that difficulties should not arise during the descent, since the crew was trained, which occupied four months to six months. It included training on a centrifuge to show what overloaded.
Borisenko added that overload of 4-4.5 units, which will be felt when landing, is considered a standard load, the astronauts are trained annually on the load at eight units, that is, twice as high as the standard descent.
Cosmonaut said that the recovery from Shipenko and the Peresilde will leave from eight to 15 days, Oleg Novitsky returning to Earth is much more, since he spent in orbit for more than six months. He added that there should be no difficulties in rehabilitation, it will pass under the supervision of space medicine specialists.
“Imagine that you lacked 10 days in bed, get up, of course, hard, but not so much so that you cannot do it. Maybe it is complicated, but not critical. Therefore, it is from the point of view of physical sensations of problems It seems that it is difficult to raise your hand or the leg will not be. And if there are, then very small, “concluded Borisenko.
Cinechpage, consisting of cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky, director Klim Shipenko and Actresses of Yulia Peresilde, October 17, on the ship “Union of MS-18” rejoiced from the International Space Station and flew to Earth.
The crew said goodbye to astronauts and astronauts remaining at the ISS. At the moment, Russians, Peter Dubrov and Anton Sluffers, Americans Mark Wanda Hai, Shane Kimbrou and Megan Makurtur, and Japanese Akihiko Hoside and French Tom Sand, are working at the station.
06.41 engines to brake will be included. Even after half an hour, household and instrument and aggregate compartments are separated from the descent apparatus. They burn in the dense layers of the atmosphere. Landing is expected at 07.35.