Clip for the song performed by Valeria and Maxim Fadeeva, the text to which the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova, scored 18 million views. This Zakharova wrote in its Telegram.
Fadeev spoke by the composer “to the limit”. The clip was posted on Youtube on April 202020. “What is interesting: no one specially promoted this track. No technological or other stimulating funds. It is just listening and watching,” said Zakharov.
Earlier, Maria Zakharova announced two new songs at once for which she composed texts. She added that the release of one of them had to be transferred due to the coronavirus pandemic. The second composition, according to Zakharova, was written “in the rustling of absolute emotions and to fulfill it will be one of our most famous singers.” The representative of the Foreign Ministry said that she sent her poems to this singer and received a ready song in two days later. Open the name of the performer She did not.