Participants recognized by extremist Telegram channels will be judged by the criminal article, taking into account their role in creating and maintaining a resource. This was announced by the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs) of Belarus, Vyacheslav Orlovsky, reports “Sat. Belarus today.”
According to him, law enforcement officers at the moment almost completed the process of deanonymization of administrators and the most active subscribers of extremist Telegram channels and chats. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that now they can threaten to seven years in prison.
“As for the subscription to the channels, which are recognized by extremist materials, it is not yet punishable,” Orylovsky added. At the same time, he indicated that this rule does not work if the subscriber to repress the publication of the channel, lists the money and provides other resource support.
Also, Also explained, the Telegram channel can be recognized as “extremist formation”, and in this case its subscribers can also become employees of criminal cases.
On October 13, the Council of Ministers of the Republic signed a resolution “On measures to counter extremism and the rehabilitation of Nazism”, according to which the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus will also publish a list of citizens, foreigners and public organizations involved in the opinion of the country’s leadership, to extremist activities.
previously became known that the authorities of Belarus intend to prove to criminalize Telegram-channel subscribers recognized by extremist. This classification has recently received many opposition channels that actively covered protests in the country after the presidential election a year ago.