Russia: began development of HCRK of increased range

Rostech State Corporation began developing portable anti-aircraft missile systems (CRKK) of increased range. This was told by RIA Novosti Industrial Director of the Arms Complex of the State Corporation Beckhan Ozdoev.

To date, the maximum range of CRKK is five to six kilometers.

“Now work is underway to increase the range of our CRKK,” said Ozdoev.

The deputy head of the export-imported control of the KBM (included in the “high-precision complexes” Rosteha “) Alexander Romanyuk, in turn, noted that the company designers also work on an increase in the likelihood of defeating the goals of the PZRK.

In early October, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, General of the Army, Oleg Salyukov, said that the portable anti-aircraft missile complex (CRKK) “Tag” will soon go into service. Russian troops will receive a complex equipped with a sustainable optical interference head of the homing head. The new generation CRCK received the homing head, which is distinguished by resistance to all types of optical interference.

/Media reports.