Associate Professor of the Department of Aviation and Space Medicine of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov Ivan Kolosov, who worked at one time with the first cosmonaut detachment, died in St. Petersburg, he was 89 years old. About this RIA Novosti reported the historian of domestic cosmonautics Alexander Zheleznyakov.
As the agency’s interlocutor told, spikes died on Sunday, October 10. Farewell to it will take place on Friday, October 15, in the mourning hall of the St. Petersburg Crematorium.
From April 1960, by May 1976, the spikes were served at the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts as an assistant to the leading physician, a leading doctor and head of the Laboratory of Field Space Training. He participated in the selection of members of the first cosmonaut detachment, including Yuri Gagarin, their preparation and medical support of the first space flights. After that, he worked at the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov.
spikes – author of more than 156 scientific papers, co-author of the textbook on aviation and space medicine and textbook “Space Medicine”.
On June 15, the Soviet pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Shatalov died, he was 93 years old. Since 2016, after the death of the American astronaut John Glennna, Shatalov was the oldest participant in the world. The first space flight of Shatalova occurred on January 14, 1969 on the ship “Soyuz-4”. The crew of the ship under his command performed the world’s first docking of ships in space.