Project “Call” on ISS. Day 7

Today, October 12, 2021, the Russian crew members of the International Space Station have a saturated working day. As part of the flight program, the cosmonauts of Roskosmos detachment continue to work on the scientific and educational project “Challenge”, including performing a series of studies on the Russian scientific program.

In particular, the experiment “The CardiMector” is intended to obtain new information on the role of the right and left heart departments in the adaptation of the circulatory system to the conditions of long-term space flight. The Medical Experiment “Prevention-2” in turn is intended for studying the mechanisms of action and the effectiveness of various physical activity modes in the conditions of long-term space flights on the state of the general and physical performance of astronauts in conditions of long-term space flights.

Today in the morning, as part of the preparation for the launch of the transport piloted ship “Union MS-20”, the height of the orbit of the International Space Station was carried out. All operations passed in automatic mode, but the crew simultaneously reported on the progress of the corrective maneuver.

In the afternoon, the crew of the transport piloted ship “Yu.A. Gagarin” (Union of MC-18) as part of the astronaut Roscosmos Oleg Novitsky and the participants of the space flight Klim Shipenko and Yulia Peresilde continued to prepare for the return to the land, which is scheduled for 17 October 2021. Currently, Oleg Novitsky is engaged in the installation of returned equipment into the descent vehicle.

Now ISS employs the 65th expedition as part of the astronauts of Roscosmos Oleg Novitsky, Peter Dubrova and Anton Dracker, Astronauts NASA Mark Vanda Haya, Shane Cymbro and Megan MacArthur, Jaxa Akikhiko Hoshide astronaut, ESA Tom Sand (station commander), As well as participants in the space flight within the framework of the scientific and educational project “Call” Klim Shipenko and Yulia Peresild.

/Media reports.