Planned correction of the height of the orbit of the International Space Station is scheduled for October 12, 2021. It is carried out with the aim of forming ballistic conditions before moving into an near-earth orbit and further landing of the transport piloted ship “Union MS-20” with the crew of the 20th expedition to visits to the international space station.
According to preliminary data of the service of ballistic-navigation support of the Center for Flight Management TsNIIMASH (part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”), at 10:05 Moscow time will be issued a team on the inclusion of the engines of the service module “Star” of the Russian Segment of the ISS, which will work 38 , 9 seconds. After the corrective maneuvers, the height of the station orbits should increase by 940 meters, and the average height should increase to 420.45 km.
The orbit parameters of the International Space Station after maneuvers must be:
- Caption period: 92.92 min;
- orbit: 51.66 degrees;
- Minimum orbit height: 419.44 km;
- Maximum Orbit Height: 441.11 km.
Now, on board the International Space Station, a crew is operating as part of the astronauts of Roscosmos Oleg Novitsky, Peter Dubrova and Anton Dracker, the participants of the scientific and educational project “Challenge” – directed by Kim Shipenko and Actresses of Yulia Peresilde, as well as NASA Astronauts Brand Wanda Haya, Shane Kimbrou and Megan Macarutur, Astronaut of the European Space Agency Tom Sand and Astronaut of the Japanese Agency Agency Aerosmatic Research Akihiko Hoshide.