Gérald Darmanin succes “Greek model” ultra-secure camps

In Athens, the Minister of the Interior encouraged the other countries of the South of the European Union to build “closed” camps for asylum seekers, like that of Samos, criticized by the rights defenders of man.


“If all countries were working as Greece for the control of external borders then the migration issue would be less important in Europe”, launched the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin at a press conference organized with the Minister Greek migration, notis mitrachi. Between Athens and Paris, it is the cordial agreement and not just in the field of armament, recalled the arms. In Visit in Greece, the French interior minister has inked the “Greek model” of border control after visiting the new “closed and controlled access” camp of Samos Island, inaugurated at the end of September by the Greek authorities . He even wants other countries of South Europe like Spain, Italy or Malta can draw on Greece.

Surrounded by barbed wire, miradors, video surveillance cameras, the structure of Samos, 100% funded by the European Commission, replaces Vathy camp that had become overcrowded and unhealthy. The “new generation” camp of Samos who must serve as a model for four other Islands of the Aegean Sea (Lesbos, Kos, Chios, Leros), however, worries human rights defenders. “The containers are cracked, but we did not come here to sleep. We are like prisoners, and nothing can replace freedom!”, Says Djina, a Malian interviewed by the Europe Must Act. “It is worrying that the new Samos camp generates interest in European politicians, while it should be advocated for more human hospitality alternatives for refugees”, deplores Coordinator Cecilia Sanfelici.

Increase the means of Frontex

“In the opinion of people who worked in the former Vathy camp but also asylum seekers, the living conditions are better”, however, provided AFP Gérald Darmanin. According to the Minister of the Interior, this camp allows Greeks to keep their external borders, to filter those who are entitled to asylum and those who must be returned home, and to enhance security to prevent Jihadists infiltrate among the refugees as had been the case in 2015, when attackers from the attack of 13-November were gone through the island of Leros.

“We would like all countries that are at the edge of Europe’s borders can have the same policy of control and registration of people entering the European territory, especially for security issues,” said M . Darmanin. The minister wants to put in place a registration system at the border and follow-up of the file on the European continent. “Today many foreigners enter Europe without being registered and we do not know when they arrive in Germany or France how old they have, what nationality they are, where they have returned,” IL.

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