Project “Call” on ISS. Day 6

The participants in the scientific and educational project “Challenge” in the composition of Kim Shipenko and Yulia Peresilde, as well as astronauts of Roscosmos Anton Sabelars, Oleg Novitsky and Peter Dubrov continue to work at the near-earth orbit, including staffing the activities and experiments scheduled as part of the project.

In addition, members of the 65th long-term expedition to the International Space Station are conducting full-time physical training in accordance with flight plans and recommendations of doctors who follow the well-being and health status of the crew from the Center for Flight Management TsNIIMASH (included in the Roskosmos State Corporation ).

Despite the excellent physical form, each member of the Crew of the ISS is obliged on the recommendation of specialists on earth to engage in specially manufactured simulators manufactured for the Russian segment. It is they who provide muscle work that are not involved in the body during a long stay in weightlessness.

Currently, NASA astronauts Mark Wanda Hai, Shane Cybrou and Megan MacArtur, Astronaut ESA Tom Sand (Expedition Commander) and Astronaut ESA Akikhiko Hoshide

/Media reports.