California: ordered gender-neutral children’s goods

California became the first American staff in which major stores should legally ordered neutral children’s toys and hygiene objects from a gender perspective. It is reported by Associated Press.

A new law signed by Gavin Newsmith from Democrats by Governor, does not prohibit traditional sections for boys and girls in retail chains. Instead, it is said that in stores there should be a gender-neutral partition to display “reasonable choice” of goods “regardless of whether they are traditionally sold for girls or for boys.”

It is noted that the law applies only to toys and a wide category of “Child care products”, which include hygiene and teething products. In addition, this applies only to major enterprises in which at least 500 employees are operating, which means that small stores are exempt from this obligation.

Earlier in California, they were forbidden to shoot a condom until the end of the sexual act, if the partner did not give its permission to this. Such a practice, known as Stealth (Stealthing), included in the civil code of the state and determined as “violent actions of sexual character.”

/Media reports.