In October Rating The popularity of programming languages published by Tiobe Software, the Python programming language triumph is marked (11.27%), Which for the year moved from the third to the first place, supplanted the Languages of SI (11.16%) and Java (10.46%). The TiBe popularity index is building its conclusions based on analyzing search queries statistics in systems such as Google, Google Blogs, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, MSN, YouTube, Bing, Amazon and Baidu.
Compared to October last year, the rating also marks the growth of Assembler’s popularity (rose from 17 to 10th place), Visual Basic (19 in 11th place), SQL (from 10 to 8th place), GO (from 14 to 12 ), Matlab (from 15 to 13), Fortran (C 37 to 18), Object Pascal (C 22 to 20), D (from 44 to 34), Lua (from 38 to 32). The popularity of Perl has decreased (the rating has decreased from C 11 to 19), R (from 9 to 14), Ruby (from 13 to 16), PHP (C 8 to 9), Groovy (C 12 to 15), and SWIFT (C 16 Up to 17), Rust (from 25 to 26).

As for other assessments of popularity of programming languages, then data IEEE Spectrum rating The Python language also ranks first , Second – Java, the third – C and fourth – C ++. Then follow JavaScript, C #, R, GO. Eee Spectrum rating was prepared by the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and takes into account the combination of 12 metrics received from 10 different sources (based on the method of search results for “{name} Programming”, analysis of references in Twitter, the number of new and active repositories in GitHub, the number of issues in Stack Overflow, the number of publications on the sites of Reddit and Hacker News, Jobs on CareerBuilder and Dice, Mentioning in the digital archive of journal articles and reports from conferences).

In October ranking pypl , in which Google Trends is used, the fourth of the leaders for the year has not changed: the first place is Python ranks first Then follow Java, JavaScript, C #. Language C / C ++ rose into 5th place, pushing out the Php.

In the rating Redmonk , built on the basis of popularity assessment on GitHub and The activity of discussions on Stack Overflow, a tent of the leaders is as follows: JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, C #, C ++, CSS, TypeScript, Ruby, C. From changes for the year marked Python transition from the third to second place.