Roscosmos State Corporation As part of a joint project with a television company “Russia 24”, called “Snapshot with orbit”, continues the publication of materials of the Russian space shooting on events that causes a significant public resonance.
From April 2021, the operator of Russian space means of remote sensing of the land of the state corporation “Roscosmos” – Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth Holding “Russian Space Systems” (included in the state corporation “Roskosmos”) regularly provides the information channel “Russia 24” with the pictures from the Russian satellites, reliably illustrating socially significant events in both Russia and abroad.
So, in the transmission of the information channel dedicated to the blocking of the Suez Canal by Ever Given container ship, the Olympiad in Tokyo, events in Afghanistan, as well as reports of fires in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and pictures of high spatial permission from Russian space reserves were widely used in the Mordovian Reserve Resource-P and Canopus-B devices provided by Roscosmos State Corporation. Along with the materials of operational space shooting, the Russian Space Images from the Federal Remote Sensing Data Data Data Remote Fund, allowing the dynamics of the events that occurred.
Space snapshots are provided both in operational mode during the operational conduct of space survey of objects and territories on the territory of the entire globe and obtained from the federal DZZ data fund from space, which stores archival data from the territory of the entire surface of the Earth since 2000. However, not only high-resolution images are used by the TV channel: high interest in the viewers causes daetteor-m with Russian hydrometeorological spacecraft, used by “Russia 24” when illuminating weather forecasts.
Demonstration of space snapshots of objects of interest in the news feed of the TV channel “Russia 24” allows you to show events taking place in the country and in the world, in a realistic view, as well as to increase the interest of viewers to the demonstrated events.