Many RN personalities warned about a “division” of the “National Camp”, while Marine Le Pen appears hell in several polls, or even exceeded in one of them.
Le Monde with AFP
After ignoring the extreme right polemicist Eric Zemmour for several weeks, the national gathering (RN) launches the counter-attack. Several personalities of the far-right party called Monday, October 11, Mr. Zemmour to “Do not divide forces” from the far right against Emmanuel Macron.
“Our only opponent is Emmanuel Macron, the dander of the national interest. We do not have an opponent in the national camp,” said Sébastien Chenu, MP RN from the North on Franceinfo, before reminding that ‘He “should not divide the national camp forces”. “We must book our shots at Macron and fight between us has no sense,” warned the RN spokesman, arguing that “Marine Le Pen is the woman of the situation”.
If he considers that Eric Zemmour is “close” ideologically from the RN, he did not deprive himself of scratching the ultra-conservative polemicist – which is not yet a presidential candidate – on his absence of proposals. “I saw that Eric Zemmour considered that it was not his level to deal with the question of the purchasing power of the French,” he tackled. “Marine Le Pen has made the right diagnosis and it has a battery of reforms that are legally immediately applicable,” says the deputy RN.
Even cautious caution on the Mayor RN of Perpignan, Louis Aliot. He sees in Mr. Zemmour a “novelty in the political system”, that the elected official also believes being “in the same political family” that the RN, but regretted Monday on the CNEWS channel that “he divides today the National Family “.
” Zemmour does not jostle our agenda “, assures Bardella
This media offensive then takes place that M me Le Pen now appears hello by Eric Zemmour in several polls, or even exceeded in the Interactive Harris Survey for Challenges Posted Wednesday, October 6th. At six months of the presidential election, this survey puts Mr. Zemmour as qualified for the second round of the presidential election with 17% to 18% of the voting intentions, behind Emmanuel Macron (24% to 27%), while the candidate of the national rally, Marine Le Pen, would bring together 15% to 16%.
“There is a ground of understanding, a will – in any case, as far as we are concerned – of rally”, assured Mr. Aliot, while “it’s up to him to take the process, not To us, “he added,” persuaded “that the voting intention curves” will reverse “in the coming weeks.
Interviewed South Radio Microphone, Jordan Bardella, Acting President of the RN, hammered Monday as the “Zemmour (…) moment does not jostle our agenda”, evoking “more reassuring speech, more” de marine the Pen. “These are not the media and polls that will make the presidential election,” he argued. “I have no opponent on the side of those who defend France”, nevertheless recalled Mr. Bardella.
On BFM-TV, Marine Le Pen had mentioned Sunday “Divergences on the economic and social terms” with Mr. Zemmour, believing that he “aligns with rather liberal and conservative positions” opposite to his own .