Researchers from the United States found out that the Milk Mennonite Mennonites, which adhered to the traditional rural lifestyle, contains more antibodies against common allergens, home dust and associated anticraft animals bacteria. This, according to scientists, whose article was published in the Frontiers in Immunology magazine, can explain the increase in the incidence of allergies in the world.
before the beginning of the 20th century, allergies were considered rare diseases. However, since the second quarter of the XX century, there is an explosive increase in the incidence of them. According to scientists estimates, by 2025, half of the EU population will have one or another allergy. At the same time, representatives of communities adhering to the traditional rural defendant – such as amisias or mennonites of the old order – the prevalence of allergies is much less.
Researchers from Rochester and California Universities, as well as Ikana Medicine Schools of the Medical Center Mount Sinai collected breast milk in 52 months of old order with children from two weeks to six months and in 29 mothers from the neighboring Rochester city. With the help of questionnaires and telephone calls, they found out the lifestyle of mothers, as well as information about whether children had allergy symptoms. Then they measured the content and activity in breast milk playing an important role to protect the lungs and intestines of IGA antibodies, oligosaccharides, cytokines and fatty acid metabolites. Sequencing ribosomal RNA allowed researchers to find out which bacteria were transferred to the milk child.
As expected, there were fewer cases of allergies among the mennonite, they interact more with animals, the chlorine was more used and less – antibiotics and pesticides. It turned out that their breast milk contains more IGA1 and IGA2 antibodies against peanuts, egg protein, home dust and Bacteria Streptococcus Equii – a pathogen of horses. In addition, their milk turned out to be more oligosaccharides, fatty acids, as well as bacteria of families Prevotellaceae, VeilloneLaceae and Micrococcacea. According to researchers, all these components help “program” developing intestinal microbe and infant immunity. Thus, children turn out to be protected from allergies.