Tour Triangle in Paris: PNF opens a preliminary inquiry into suspicions of “favoritism”

This survey follows the filing of complaints by Rachida Dati and the Anticor Association concerning the attribution to Unibail of the public operating market of the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Center

Le Monde with AFP

This 180 m high building project, which must be implemented in the heart of the Porte de Versailles exhibition center, in the e district, is unanimous. The National Financial Office (PNF) opened in June a preliminary inquiry concerning suspicions of “favoritism” and “concealism of favoritism” around the project of the Troy Tour, which must be built in Paris, confirmed a judicial source, Monday 11 October, after the publication of information by the Parisian

The Mayor of the 7 E Arrondissement of Paris, Rachida Dati, had made in July 2020 a report to justice about this project, which has been aroused for several years of vivid disputes, and the Anticor association filed a complaint with civil party constitution in February 2021.

Report of the Regional Chamber of Accounts

M me Dati and Anticor relied on a report from the regional chamber of Ile-de-France of July 2020 concerning the Parc des Expositions of the Porte de Versailles, located in the south of the capital. This report felt that the project of the Triangle Tower, a 42-storey building, scheduled to make 180 m high, had been “inserted in a criticable way in the grounds of the Versailles Porte Exhibition Center”.

In addition, to carry out this project, the City of Paris agreed to compensate the dealer of the exhibition grounds, Viparis (a subsidiary of Unibail-Rodamco), up to 263 million euros “for prejudice no demonstrated “, also noted the report. The city has, certainly, terminated its concession in anticipated way, but awarded Viparis a new contract allowing it to continue to exploit the facilities. This contract has been awarded “under conditions in part questionable”, also highlights the document.
In addition to short offer filing times, given the complexity of the project, the City of Paris asked the candidates a duty of 263 million euros. She agreed that Viparis fulfills this sum by “renouncing the early termination allowance of the concession”, while the other candidate had to “self-finance” this entrance fee, according to this source. The city of Paris “has deprived a clear resource while provoking a distortion of competition for the award of the new contract,” observed the regional chamber of accounts.

The idea of ​​this project was born in 2008 under the mandat of the Socialist Mayor Bertrand Delanoë. Project a first time rejected in November 2014 and approved with some amendments by the Paris Council on June 30, 2015, a short majority.

/Media reports.