Published Live-Distribution Issue Redo Rescue 4.0.0 , designed to create backup copies and restore the system in case of failure or damage to data. The status sections created by the distribution cut can be fully or selectively cloned to a new disk (with the creation of a new partition table) or used to restore the integrity of the system after the activity of malicious software, hardware failures or accidental deletion of data. The distribution uses the Debian code database and the PartClone toolkit from the CloneZilla project. Own developments Redo Rescue spread under the GPLv3 license. Size ISO image 726mb.
Backups can be saved as on Locally connected media (USB Flash, CD / DVD, discs) and external sections, access to which NFS, SSH, FTP or SAMBA / CIFS (automatically searching for the joint sections available on the local network). Remote backup and recovery management is supported using a VNC or Web interface. It is possible to verify the integrity of backup copies for digital signature. Of the features, there are also possibilities for transferring source data to other sections, selective recovery mode, advanced disk management tools and partitions, maintaining a detailed operation log, availability as part of a web browser, file manager for copying and editing files and selection utilities to diagnose failures.
In a new release, a transition to the Debian packet database 11 is implemented. In addition to updating programs, all the functionality of the distribution is complyed with the past issue (3.0.2). It is recommended that you use a new branch with caution, as the new versions of utilities, such as PartClone and SFDisk, may contain changes that violate backward compatibility. It is noted that the main non-obvious problems with the transition to new Debian branches were solved during the transition to Debian 10 in Redo Rescue 3.x.