“Pandora Papers”: an open parliamentary survey against Ecuador President

According to the investigation of the published tax evasion in particular by “Le Monde”, Guillermo Lasso controlled fourteen offshore companies, most based in Panama.

Le Monde

The National Assembly of Ecuador approved, Sunday, October 10, the opening of a survey against President Guillermo Lasso, suspected of having kept money in tax havens, following the revelations of the “Pandora Papers”, the survey published on October 3rd by 150 international media, including [a href=”https://www.icij.org/” target = “_ blank” rel = “noopener” Title = “New window”> International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (herej).

Of the 137 parliamentarians, 105 voted for the opening of this investigation against the President, announced the monocameral body in a statement. The goal: “Clarify” if Mr. Lasso has violated “the legal mandate of the Ethics Covenant, which prohibits candidates and officials to have their resources or assets in tax havens”.

Fourteen Offshore companies

According to the “Pandora Papers”, Guillermo Lasso controlled fourteen offshore companies – most based in Panama – closed after the former President Rafael Correa (2007-2017) took a law prohibiting candidates for the presidency in 2017. Possess companies in tax havens.

For his part, the 65-year-old president, invested last May, asked the Office of the Comptroller General to examine his assets and renounced banking secrecy.

The conclusions published in the “Pandora Papers” rely on nearly 12 million confidential documents, which come from the archives of 14 financial services companies, and have brought up to more than 29,000 offshore companies.

/Media reports.