Doctors to pay in a new way

Mintrost and the Ministry of Health decided on the main parameters of the remuneration reform of doctors and medical staff. Reports about it “Kommersant”.

If the project is approved, the salary of medical workers will be determined by the rules, one for the whole country, and consist of salary and stimulating and compensatory payments. At the same time, according to the plan of departments, the high level of wages should be formed not due to the increased load on the employee.

According to the authorities, due to the reform, doctors will increase both the share of the salary in earnings and the size itself. According to preliminary calculations, the minimum increase in average wages will be 2 percent, and the maximum – 78 percent, while the most tangible growth will occur in those regions where wages of medical personnel are underestimated. The informed source of the publication noted that the authors have provided a protective mechanism due to which the wage will not be less than the current level. “That is, it may increase, but to decrease – no,” he explained.

The pilot stage starts from 2022 in seven regions with 440 medical institutions and more than 170 thousand people of medical staff.

In July, it was reported that the resident of the Chelyabinsk region with a gunshot wound was taken to the hospital for 200 kilometers due to the lack of a surgeon in the local hospital and stop the work of the surgical department. Problems with the surgeon began from January – one of the specialists quit due to the lack of a permanent anesthesiologist. Operations were not properly carried out, the doctor did not suit the salary, and he worked for the whole area. “In the clinic, in general, two years a nurse leads without a doctor,” the staff of the medical institution told.

Earlier, Russians listed professions, whose representatives, in their opinion, receive unfairly low wages. Leads in the list of such professions teachers, doctors and scientists. The fact that their salary is undeservedly small, stated 64 percent, 58 and 36 percent of respondents, respectively. Russians believe that teachers should receive an average of 120,700 rubles per month, doctors – 122,800 rubles, scientists – 130,800 rubles.

/Media reports.