The Belgian-Dutch actress Sand Van Roy had accused the filmmaker, in the aftermath of an appointment with him in 2018. She had also denounced other rapes and sexual assaults, committed in the context of ‘a “professional grip relationship”.
Le Monde with AFP
The parquet of Paris required, Friday, October 8, a non-place for filmmaker Luc Besson, accused of rape for more than three years by actress Sand Van Roy, learned the France-Presse agency (AFP ) of judicial source, confirming Information from the Parisian . It is now coming back to the investigating judge in charge of this case to confirm or not this non-place.
In this file, Luc Besson, who disputes the charges, was not indicted, but only placed on January 25, under the less incriminating status of witness attended, after a long hearing . “These are logical and consistent requisitions with the reality of the file and the investigation,” reacted to the AFP the filmmaker’s advocate, M e Thierry Marembert.
“His position has never varied,” said M e Marembert. “He wants to close this parenthesis and resume a normal life.” One of Sand Van Roy’s lawyers, M e Francis Szpiner, a, conversely, denounced “a judicial scandal “.
Judicial information for” rape “in 2019
The Belgian-Dutch actress had filed a complaint for raping on May 18, 2018 against the French influential and director in the aftermath of an appointment with him in a Parisian palace. Two months later, she had denounced other rapes and sexual assaults, according to her in two years of a “professional grip relationship” with Mr. Besson. These complaints had been subsequently classified in February 2019 by the Paris prosecutor’s office, who felt could not “characterize the offense denounced”.
The actress then filed a complaint with a civil party constitution, which led to the opening of a judicial information in October 2019 for “rape”. The investigating judge designated to lead this media case is “unfortunately part”, and the new magistrate “will have passed the tour de force to never hear M me van Roy, to put Mr. Besson under The status of witness assisted and refuse to organize a confrontation between the complainant and the author “, regretted M e szpiner. His client “is [however] not surprise [by the position of the parquet] since it knows that obtain justice is the obstacle course, but it is tenacious,” he added.
The investigating judge announced closed the investigations at the end of February, rejecting all requests for acts of the civil party. This decision had been confirmed by the Chamber of Investigation of the Court of Appeal. “I have never raped a woman of my life. I have never lifted his hand on a woman. I have never threatened a woman. I have never physically or morally forced a woman to anything “, in 2019, the 62-year-old director said.