American aircraft will be equipped with a laser cannon

The Flying Battery for Support for the AC-130J land forces will be equipped with a laser gun. American aircraft will receive an Airborne High Energy Laser laser (AHEL). The US Air Force (Air Force) received the installation prototype. About it reports The Drive.

On October 8, Lockheed Martin announced the transfer of the US Air Force AHEL after factory tests. Now the designers are engaged in the integration of the laser beam control system. After that, terrestrial Tests AHEL will begin and install the system on board AC-130J.

The start date of flight testing is still unknown. Representatives of the Command of Special Operations of the US Sun (US SOCOM) noted that they expect to proceed to this stage of development in 2022 fiscal year.

The developer does not disclose the parameters of the laser installation. US SOCOM stated that the power of AHEL would not exceed 60 kilowatts. Also, representatives of Lockheed Martin noted that the power of the new laser will be comparable with the High Energy Laser and Integrated OptiCal-Dazzler and Surveillance installation (Helios).

In April, the Popular Mechanics magazine reported on the installation of laser weapons to the destroyer type ARLEIGH BURKE. The PREBLE ship received a HELIOS installation, which is designed to destroy the winged rockets.

/Media reports.