Google and YouTube take steps to combat climate misinformation

The giant of the Internet and its videos service has been prohibiting the advertisements and monetization of content that deny the reality of the warming.

Le Monde with AFP

Google and YouTube have hardened their rules, Thursday, October 8, against advertisements and content that deny global warming and its causes.

The number one of the digital advertising and its videos service now prohibit the advertisements and monetization of content which “contradict the well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change”, indicates an update Rules for advertisers.

The platform therefore does not only prohibit misleading or misleading pubs, it also prevents the content creators from the climate-acceptic movement to harvest advertising revenues.

“Advertisers simply do not just want their ads appear next to this kind of content. And publishers and creators do not want ads that argue these claims on their pages or videos”, justifies Google.

The regulation applies to messages that define climate change such as affabulation or scam, those who deny that the climate is warm up in the long term or that greenhouse gas emissions and human activity contribute to this reality.

YouTube accused by the past

The Californian group already restricts advertising backed by certain sensitive topics, such as videos on firearms or tragic events. YouTube had also recently taken steps to limit the proliferation of videos AntiVaccine. But the negation of climate change was not part of the contents targeted so far.

His Facebook neighbor, who heels on the online pub market, regularly communicates to his efforts to stop climate misinformation, but has no such prohibition on this subject.

The social networking giant, which repeats itself not to become a referee of truth, favors the highlighting of the indisputable scientific facts via a section devoted to the environment.

Platforms are regularly accused of promoting the contents that cause strong emotional reactions to arouse more traffic to convert to advertising revenue.

In January 2020, an American NGO, Avaaz, had accused YouTube to guide millions of users to videos ning climate change. The platform then replied that it did its maximum to reduce the number of problematic content, while specifying that it does not censor those who did not violate its rules.

YouTube has reached this summer the 2 billion monthly spectators around the world, or 64% of the online video hearing, according to the cabinet emarketer.

/Media reports.