Illegal migrants found a new way from Belarus to European Union

illegal migrants from the Middle East found a new way from Belarus to the European Union – through Estonia and Finland. About this on October 7 reports Interfax with reference to the Finnish newspaper ILTA-Sanomat.

In September, the Coast Guard of Finland opened seven criminal cases about the attempts of migrants from Belarus to penetrate the country. “Under suspicion of more than a dozen smugglers, almost all – Iraqis. Part of them live in Finland,” said the Head of the Criminal Prevention of the Coast Guard of the Finnish Bay of Yucca Tekoxki.

According to him, some migrants arrive on ferries from Estonia, they are hiding in the trunk of cars. The Finnish police set up contacts with colleagues from the Baltic.

Tekoxki believes that the path from the Middle East through Belorussia in Finland or another country of the European Union costs to 15 thousand euros.

The migration crisis on the border of Belarus and the EU began after the President of Alexander Lukashenko, against the background of the next exacerbation of relations with the West, threatened to weaken the control over the flow of illegal immigrants and drug trafficking.

/Media reports.