Commission on plotting: controversial Professor Guy Vallancien announces his resignation

This deemed urologist announced his withdrawal, Thursday, the Commission recently created by Emmanuel Macron, because he feels a victim of a “denigration campaign”.

Le Monde

In question by some of his peers, Professor Guy Vallancien, a doctor urologist, announced on Thursday, October 7 to the France-Presse Agency (AFP) his withdrawal from the Commission on the comploise and disinformation created recently by Emmanuel Macron.

“I remove from the Commission the lights in the digital age,” said Mr. Vallancien, which denounces a “shameful denigration of denigbleness and lie” after his appointment to this body composed of about fifteen of ‘academics and personalities, and chaired by sociologist Gérald Bronner. The latter confirmed at the AFP the departure of Professor Vallancien, which, him, entrusted:

“It’s me who decided to leave and I told the Elysée. I could have stayed, but it would have created conflicts in the commission, it’s not healthy. He there was no good solution, but I took the one that appeared to me the most free and most honest “

” denied the gravity of the mediator business

This reputable urologist who held the former President François Mitterrand had been involved in questioned by the pneumologist and alert thrower Irene Frachon, who blame him for having “denied the gravity” of the Mediator affair. .

In a tribune published in Le Monde at the end of September, M me Frachon written in particular: “The teacher and urologist Guy Vallancien (…) was one of the spearheads of a Nebula of high-ranking doctors, teachers of medicine, sometimes academic medicine, who, for years and without a shame, try to discredit, minimize, or even deny the gravity of the human drama caused by the mediator. “

His name is also quoted by the Express in the scandal of the Body Donate Center of Paris-Descartes University. The magazine had mentioned his role and that of his anonymous society (the European School of Surgery, created in 2001 within the University). “It’s the most difficult for me,” because “I have no responsibility” in this case, reacted Mr. Vallandien.

/Media reports.