At school, inequalities aggravated by sanitary crisis

In this fall, where students spend new assessments, teachers still struggle to measure the consequences of the disruption of previous school years. But it is already obvious: the gap has become enlarged between the most favored and the most disadvantaged.


One month after the start of the school year and after eighteen months of sanitary crisis, what is the balance sheet, for the level of students? In establishments, classes submit (or have just submitted) to national assessments, positioned at hinged levels of schooling (CP-CE1, 6 e of ) They will be used to establish a new photograph, which will complement the previous ones.

At the exit of the first confinement, in the spring of 2020, the national education has focused on counting the fragrilized skills and the missing students. Lost school days and the most affected students. In May 2020, before the reopening of the schools, the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, had mentioned the “loss of contact” with 4% of the students – against 8% in the early hours of the crisis. It was, then, at 500,000 those at risk of stalling in France, out of a total of 12 million.

Two returned later, tone and vocabulary changed the department: students still under school obligation (under the age of 16), now qualified as “disassembled” rather than drop-offs, are all or almost income. ‘Sit on the school benches, it is born. And even among the oldest (those aged 16 and over), tuition breaks do not seem massive, despite remote courses and repeated isolation: “There has never been a rate of Outings [without a diploma] as low in September 2020 in the professional path “, a path particularly exposed to the dropout, we are worthy rue de Grenelle. It is recognized at the same time that it will be expected to wait “one year or two” to have a general photograph. The last one reported 89,000 dropouts in 2018.

CP and CE1, Hinneries

At this point, it is on the “level” and the “moral state” of the students in progress that teachers wonder. Between young people who, throughout the health crisis, have benefited from home support, and others who have neither the supervisory nor the appropriate equipment, the “succeeding deviations” were dug, they say. It is also what the academics and researchers observe that seized the subject: the closures of schools decided at the strongest of the epidemic will “dramatically increase the gap of success of the social classes”, thus writes the Team coordinated by the Cognition and Learning Research Center (CERCA) of the University of Poitiers and CNRS, in an article published, at the end of September, in the journal Nature Human Behavior.

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