Federal Court in United States Blocked Scandalous Texas Act of Abortions

Federal Judge in the United States Robert Pitman temporarily blocked the law adopted in Texas, almost completely prohibiting abortion in the state. It is reported by Daily Mail.

Patuman suspended the action of a scandalous prohibition that does not allow women to undergo a procedure after six weeks of pregnancy – when the palpitation of the fetus is detected. He did not postpone the date of entry into force of his decision to give state clinics conducting abortions, a short period of time for resuming previously planned procedures.

However, many clinics are in no hurry to conduct operations again, as they are afraid that large claims are waiting for their constant removal of the ban. To ensure compliance with the law, the state authorities gave citizens the opportunity to submit claims against violators and the right to receive compensation in the amount of at least 10 thousand dollars in case of success.

Many Texas clinics are on the verge of closure, since the number of patients has decreased by almost 80 percent. Meanwhile, hospitals in neighboring states do not have time to serve the growing number of customers who have to overcome hundreds of miles.

On September 1, the law on the ban of abortions came into force in Texas. He became the subject of criticism of many human rights defenders. In their opinion, the law introduces actually a full ban on the procedure, since 85-90 percent of women usually make an abortion on the period of six weeks of pregnancy.

Many celebrities responded negatively responded to the ban. So the actress of the mind TURMAN called the law to another discriminatory tool against those who are in economically disadvantaged position.

/Media reports.